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Lehrstuhl Islamwissenschaft – Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann

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Dr. Auwalu Hassan (February 2025)Einklappen

Dr. Auwalu Hassan (Department of History, Sa'adatu Rimi University of Education in Kano, Nigeria)

Dr. Auwalu Hassan (Department of History, Sa'adatu Rimi University of Education in Kano, Nigeria)

Dr. Anne Regourd (November 2024) Einklappen

Dr. Anne Regourd, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

Dr. Anne Regourd (CNRS), specializes in early modern to contemporary history, anthropology, focusing on divination and magic, and material culture of Islamic manuscripts, focusing on the circulation of, conservation/preservation of manuscript items and collections, and the trade of paper. She is particularly interested in areas like Yemen, the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean rim, and Africa. Among others, she published on Geomancy and divination by cawry shells in Yemen, and she is the editor and co-author of The Trade in Papers Marked with Non-Latin Characters (Brill, 2018), and collaborated on Handlist of the manuscripts of the Institute for Ethiopian Studies by Alessandro Gori (Eugen, OR, 2014), before becoming a member of the Copenhagen ERC project “Islam in the Horn of Africa” (2014–2018). She authored, with the collaboration of Sana Mirza, of the Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Sherif Harar Municipal Museum. The Qurʾans, Paris, Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer/Geuthner, ser. "Fontes Historiae Africanae", 5. She is the Director of the online peer-reviewed Journal, Nouvelles Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, www.cdmy.org

Prof. Dr. Meriem El Haitami (December 2023)Einklappen

Prof. Dr. Meriem El Haitami, Professor for Gender Studies, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco

Meriem El Haitami is a Professor of Gender Studies at Ibn Tofail University, Morocco. Her research addresses the interactions between state and new social and religious reconfigurations in post-2003 Morocco, with particular focus on the role of women in state religious policy and gender reforms. Her most recent research explores the surge of new spiritualities in Morocco and the role of women in shaping new expressions of female and gender subjectivity outside of institutional Islam. El Haitami is a recipient of a number of visiting fellowships including her position as a visiting professor at Columbia University (2021-2022) and Yale University (2015- 2016). Her lecture Women and the Re-casting of the Spiritual in Morocco Was held on 11 December 2023.

David Owen, M.A. (November 2023) Einklappen

David Owen, M.A. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, Harvard Univeristy, USA

David Owen studies the history of logic in the Western Islamicate world. He is especially interested in formal patterns of reasoning in the legal education of big religious traditions, and especially within the cultural continuum of the Bissau-to-Bilbao complex. In Fall 2023, David will defend his dissertation in Arabic & Islamic Studies at Harvard University, where he has also completed the Secondary Field in Classical Philosophy. The dissertation provides the first treatment of the Avicennan logic of a prominent west Saharan luminary, Ghadīja (Khadīja) Mint (Bint) al-‘Āqil (d. ca. 1835). David currently teaches philosophy and Semitic languages at Christendom College and is a research associate of the Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Chrisean Understanding at Georgetown University. David holds BA and MA degrees from Columbia University, an MA degree from Harvard University, and was a Fulbright Scholar to Mauritania, Morocco, and Spain. On 13 November 2023, from 4 pm to 6 pm he presented the lecture Ghadīja Mint al-‘Āqil and the Logic Manuscripts of Islamicate West Africa.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yahya Babah (October-December 2022)Einklappen

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yahya Babah, Université Islamique d’Aïoune, Mauritania

Prof. Mohamed Yahya Babah is a philosopher and Islamic scholar whose research focuses on Arabic logic and Sufism. He was a guest at the Department of Islamic Studies from 20 October 2022 to 20 December 2022 to continue his research project on the Tijaniyya-Ibrahimiyya. In particular, his stay at the Chair of Islamic Studies served to conduct archival research for the research data collection "Islam in Africa". His stay was kindly funded by the Institute for African Studies (IAS) at the University of Bayreuth. Prof Babah presented his recent publication in a lecture on 9 December 2022 titled L’expérience spirituelle Islamique en Bilad Chniguit durant les 12em et 13 siècle hijra.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Lingfeng Wang

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